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Stories include:

• The "A-List" Gen Z copywriter that got EXPOSED (And absolutely roasted by his 500K+ TikTok Followers)

• The marketing "genius" who tried to sell my copywriting course by bribing me

• How I ended up having to sue a client who wouldn't pay me over $30,000 in copywriting commission

• How this one "guilty pleasure" junk TV show I watch with my wife taught me a valuable business lesson (and a phrase I almost tattoo'ed on my arm!)

• The completely fictional story of how I made a real life goat talk to one of my client (and astounded my readers!)

• The time I got hacked by Canadian UpWorker and they deleted all of my Google Docs copy.

• How I once threw my bed out of the window and over the patio deck at my 3-story apartment

• The IQ test I took (and the results) to see if I was smarter than another A-List copywriter

• How one of my eCom competitors tried to roast me in a private facebook group (and I ended up making $3K off him).

And many more! 

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